Shortly after the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, PalPilot was founded by our CEO Eddy Niu and Executive VP YC Hwang in Silicon Valley. PalPilot’s history spans some of the greatest technological breakthroughs i.e., The Internet, The DVD, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, The Smartphone, Social Media, The LED TV, IOT, 3D printing, EV, and now AI. Our history also encompassed some of the most tumultuous times i.e., 9-11, SARS, The Global Financial Crisis, Climate Change Awareness, Brexit, and Covid-19. Throughout these years with our strong team in the US and Asia we have found ways to add value to our customer relationships. Along with our top tier factories and partnerships we have navigated the ever-changing Global environments. Now 30 years into our history, PalPilot continues to look for ways to bring new and innovative solutions to our customers. On December the 8th we will take a moment to celebrate the last 30 years and look forward to the next 30.
PalPilot’s Patience and Persistence will lead the way to our future!!