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Covid-19: How PalPilot is helping

The shortage of surgical and N95 masks jeopardizes the lives of healthcare workers, who are forced to reuse their masks many times or makeshift their own. These healthcare workers are working in the front lines, risking their lives to treat those who may have fallen ill from Covid-19. We fully support and stand behind these healthcare workers during these difficult times.

In April of 2020, PalPilot donated 700 surgical masks to local medical centers in Irvine, CA and 300 masks to local policemen and hospitals in Booneville, AR. In addition, we have provided top tier medical companies with our PCBs and Cable & Connectors for their medical equipment and devices.

We will continue to show our support for these front line workers who are combating Covid-19 to keep us safe and healthy. Additional donations will be made in the near future once we have received our shipments.

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